Golden Wonder Killie

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2011
Montgomery, Texas
So I got two of them today, I had heard they could be aggressive, but this was quick, buy the time I got home I had a harlequin rasbora stuck to the filter. Question is, are these things just going to terrorize my tank to death?

1 ABN pleco
2 corys (need some more)
3 guppies (not for long)
7 H. rasboras

I have one in my community tank and he doesn't bother any if my other fish. I have 10 neon tetras, a dwarf gourami, honey sun gourami, female betta, 3 Cory's. They all get along great in my 26 gal bowfront
It is not that they are totally aggressive. They are defensive and often mistake things that look like food, as food. If a golden wonder feels threaten or is chased by another fish it will retaliate and chase, lunge or nip back. If a fish is small and looks like food they will act on instinct and attack. One of my golden wonders made the mistake of this toward an oto cat. The oto cat died on impact I saw it myself. After that it hasn't made that association anymore. one thing to remember if you have open top tanks they jump as a defensive reflex before retaliation. so be careful I lost one this way. These are things I have noticed and examined from the behavior of my fish. Happy fish tanking!!
i had 2 gwk's in my 55gal community & one of them killed / ate about 13 neon tetras .. & i knew it was him because you could see them hanging out of his mouth!!!!

i'll never do killies again lol

i'd keep a close eye out & remove them if you notice that the others start 'disappearing'

good luck
Mine has always been friendly. He will hover at eye level and just stare at whoever is near the tank. I call him the creeper cause he always does this lol. He's always become best friends with my honey dwarf guarami and veil angel. They are always together.

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