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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 11, 2013
I currently have a 29 gallon tropical semi aggressive tank. I have had this tank for a little over 2 years and want to get another one. I want a pair of oranda goldfish. What size tank would comfortably fit these fish?
The general rule for fancy goldfish is 20 gallons for the first one and add 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. So a 30 would be your minimum. Personally I'd go with something a little bigger just for some wiggle room with water quality and swimming space. It is also recommended to have extra filtration in a goldfish tank. The gallons per hour of the filters should be about 10x the volume of the tank - 300 gph on a 30 gallon, 400 on a 40 gallon, etc.
Thanks so much! I was looking at a 55 gallon and was wondering what would be good tank mates to go with the pair of goldfish
Thanks so much! I was looking at a 55 gallon and was wondering what would be good tank mates to go with the pair of goldfish

A 55 could house three or even four goldfish, but in general only goldfish should be mixed with goldfish. You could ads a different type of fancy like a ryukin or black moor. But there aren't really any cimpatible tankmates. Some people have had luck with small plecos but in many cases the pleco will end up sucking the slime coat off of the goldfish and injuring them.
I have dojo loaches with my goldies. They get along great, and dojos prefer colder water. You could also try some white cloud mountain minnows, but when the goldies get bigger, those minnows would likely become a snack. :)
Sounds like a plan!! I was looking at your profile picture and I have guppies with my other tropical fish. I have 8 males and 2 females and can't seem to have them breed. I can't understand why, my water is really good but they just won't breed.
I have 3 fancies in my 55 gallon. A 29 would be fine for 2. Until I got my 55 I had 2 fancies in just a 10 gallon and as long as the water was changed frequently it didn't seem to bother them at all.
Thanks! I want a tank for my living room and don't know what size to. Get yet
Is that the stand included?

No but most 15 gallons don't really need a stand. Most probably have an endtable or something that will suffice.

Wow... I bought a 20 gallon starter kit for 63$ at petsmart :/

It was probably a sale price and probably wasn't an Aqueon column. It was probably a Top Fin.

I almost replaced my 10 gallon with it. But knowing me I'd replace my 10 and then in 2 weeks use the 10 for another setup.

15 Gallon Aquarium » Aqueon® 15 Gallon Column Deluxe Aquarium Kit | PetSmart
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