Good food for Africans??

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Oops sorry guys I see I had a similar post but that was about how often do you feed. This thread I'm curious as to what food,type, and brand your feeding your friends. What's best?
Yes, some do..not Petsmart or Petco though...I don't think? However, I order mine online through Pet Solutions, its a better deal :)
kelbaker79 said:
Yes, some do..not Petsmart or Petco though...I don't think? However, I order mine online through Pet Solutions, its a better deal :)

I'm new here so just to be clear New Life Spectrum? The pellets? I'm gonna order some from the site you mentioned.
Convict2161 said:
I'm new here so just to be clear New Life Spectrum? The pellets? I'm gonna order some from the site you mentioned.

Yep! That's it :) They have a bunch of stuff, if I remember correctly if you order more than $49 its free shipping...
kelbaker79 said:
Yep! That's it :) They have a bunch of stuff, if I remember correctly if you order more than $49 its free shipping...

Good to know. I'll be checking out there site!
I feed NLS Grow and/or 1mm Cichlid pellets to all my fish. The pleco's, endler's, white clouds, and various species of catfish as well as African, SA, and CA cichlids all thrive on it. Occasionally frozen bloodworms, recently freeze-dried blackworms, and canned green beans once weekly.
I buy NLS in 5 lb buckets, it's simply more economical that way.
toddnbecka said:
I feed NLS Grow and/or 1mm Cichlid pellets to all my fish. The pleco's, endler's, white clouds, and various species of catfish as well as African, SA, and CA cichlids all thrive on it. Occasionally frozen bloodworms, recently freeze-dried blackworms, and canned green beans once weekly.
I buy NLS in 5 lb buckets, it's simply more economical that way.

Greens beans? For cichlids? I Nvr heard that. Do you just drain them and throw in tank. Any other fish eat this
Actually the green beans are more for the BN pleco's, but the severums, mbuna, and even peacocks chow some down as well. What really surprised me was seeing the kubotai botia's eating them; it's not like they aren't fat as pigs ready for market already. I prefer the french cut style, just drain and toss some in. I use 3 cans to go around all my tanks.
toddnbecka said:
Actually the green beans are more for the BN pleco's, but the severums, mbuna, and even peacocks chow some down as well. What really surprised me was seeing the kubotai botia's eating them; it's not like they aren't fat as pigs ready for market already. I prefer the french cut style, just drain and toss some in. I use 3 cans to go around all my tanks.

Have to try it wonder if my Molly's and plats will like them.
Im going to try the green bean thing. All my fish seem to like blanched peas the best of the veggies I've given them so far.
Ok I just order NLS pellets as well as a few other toys :)

How often can I feed them bloodworms if at all? And do you thaw them out first?
I don't use bloodworms in the tanks with mbuna, they're really only necessary for my spiney eels (not sure they eat NLS, but I suspect they're starting to) and for occasional variety for the other fish.I thaw them first so that more of them reach the bottom of the tank for the eels, but otherwise it doesn't matter. Frozeb worms will float around and drop off the chunk as they thaw.
Wyatt1 said:
I also use roseys every other day! :)

I keep a stock of them on hand myself. Put a bunch in and let them hang out till the boys decide to get them.
joejeff said:
I keep a stock of them on hand myself. Put a bunch in and let them hang out till the boys decide to get them.

Please enlighten me as I'm unaware. Are these feeder fish? If so I thought it was bad to do this? No nutritional value?
garfy said:
Plus it will heighten aggression in the fish if you give them too much live food.

Not sure I wanna do that to them. I enjoy it to a point but do they really did live fish?
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