good saltwater books

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2005
Austin, TX
I have a little question. What are some good books out there for keeping saltwater fish and corals. I have seen a few books at my lfs but when i asked about them they didn't have and opinions.
Aquarium Corals-Eric Borneman
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist-Robert Fenner
Book of Coral Propagation-Anthony Calfo
I just found A Guide to Corals For the Mini-Reef Aquarium by Herbert Axelrod. He arranges them with pictures by type and by ease of care for the average aquarium keeper. He also tells the specific requirements for each coral (water flow, lighting, etc.) It may not be so useful for the experienced person, but seems appropriate for the beginner, at least. 8O
which one would prob be a good starting point? Does it really matter which one i choose anyway?

I have heard a lot about The Conscientious Marine Aquarist so perhaps i'll get that one first.

Thanks a lot with your help
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