Gourami and killifish compatibility....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
I have a 20 long which houses my gourami and one lone surviving neon, lol, along with bottom dwellers.

I have a 46 bow with one golden wonder killi, a school of danios, one common pleco and various cories.

Question....would I be able to move the blue gourami to the 46 gallon? I have read that gouramis and killifish are compatible, but I am still highly skepticle...looking for opinions/personal experience.

If this is doable, I wish to get a pair of kribs for my 20 long.
I see no reason why not, everything I've read indicates they are compatible. I don't have killifish with my gouramis, but I had been thinking of getting some to go with the gouramis. JMO.
hm...then I just might do it! I'm excited cause I have wanted Kribs for a while...gotta do more research on them first though!
I had a killifish with Dwarf Gouramis with no problem. The only problem I ever had with my killifish was when i decided to try getting Guppies... and he ate them all 8O
But other than that I never had a problem with any combatibility witht he killifish
Zagz said:
I can't wait for pics once you get everything set up the way you want!

there definitly will be picks! gotta make sure my lfs has krib pairs!
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