Gourami problems..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 17, 2013

So a few weeks ago (maybe a month) one of my new (had them maybe a month) dwarf gouramis started getting sores.I put him in my hospital tank and in a few days he started getting a few more , swimming weirdly, twitching.. He we euthanized him after trying a bacterial medicine (recommended by our fish shop) and him having 0 reaction. (He was basically dead only real movement was twitching at that point )
It didn't seem as "gourami decease" (from the info I found)
Now, I have two left (they were all males and getting along fine)
Since, they seem to pick more at one and other and one now has 2 holes In his fin, (doesn't seem like fungus) should I get a female to stop the bickering ? Could it be fungus ?
He was my only fish to die, ever, in this tank...

Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate : 0
Temp: 26c
Ph: not sure always stable, but don't have anymore product to test

The tank is 40g and has 9 tetra, 3guppies, 3 platy, 8 danios, 1 shrimp, 2-8 fry, and the 2 gouramis.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388905797.465203.jpghelp
Sounds like your gourami died of a bacterial infection. You either caught it too late or you used the wrong antibiotic. True fungus usually doesn't leave sores or kill except in extreme cases. Your other guy might have a similar problem, but it seems more likely that your gouramis or your tetras are getting nippy. Watch it closely for signs of illness.
Thanks I will check it out!
.. But it's really not the same as my first gourami.. Back then I was having so algae problems so I'm pretty sure it was either fu Gus or bacterial..
Now it seems to me more as fighting wounds.. They used to be fine when they were 3 males.. A lot of bickering since my last one died (only with the gouramis)
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