Green spotted puffer care

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 9, 2017
Hi, I am new to the aquarium hobby, and I know that green spotted puffers, are not for beginners. But I really want one, and I have done a lot of research. But there seems to be a lot of confusion, like how to do things like add salinity each water change, and measurements for salt, and just general stuff like that. Also where to buy one in New York, other than Walmart because petsmart and Petco. Basically i want information on brackish water and how much salt, where to get a green spotted puffer and care for them. Thanks I really appreciate it!

PS any ideas where I can go on the internet to learn how to become a non beginner? Thanks!
I kept green spotted puffers in brackish water. Let me tell you that if someone say you that this fish can thrive in freshwater he is wrong. You need to have brackish water as must. Making brackish water is very easy. Its not like your sea water tank. All you need is sea salt. A hydrometer and buckets to mix. Just mix salt according to your tank size. I can't suggest how much salt because I don't know your tank size. You need to salinity between 1.005 to 1.010 which can be achieved very easily. Also this fish is very aggressive. U need to provide like 30 gallon for one specimen. Also they need to shell foods to protect there overgrown teeth.
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