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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 8, 2011
New Jersey
Hi! I'm still kind of new to the aquarium hobby and this seemed like a good place to come for tips and advice. I'm really kind of casual with my fish tank, nothing big or special. I've only got a one-room apartment so I don't have the space for anything huge.

I've got two tanks, but only one is for fish. I also have an American bullfrog that I keep in a 10g tank with appropriate flora. He's doubled in size at least since I rescued him from a parking lot construction site, and I'll probably be releasing him into a nearby marsh once the weather thaws for good.
In my fish tank I have three fish: a common pleco and two koi. It's a 10g tank with a hob filter and a mixture of live and fake plants. Unfortunately, before I knew better, one koi and his previous companion fish suffered from ammonia burn. The other fish didn't make it, and now the survivor has very dark marks on him. But I've cleaned up and fixed the problem, so hopefully it won't happen again.
My cast:
Tim, frog
Rodger, 2" koi
B.A., 3" koi
Hannah, 3" pleco
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