had surgery today

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You don't know me, but I'm praying for you and your family. Get better!
I'm so sorry to hear that the prognosis is so bad. It's good to know that you are at peace with it, though, and that you are looking to make the most of the time you have left with your friends and family. I hope y have a great time skydiving with your daughter! It's always seemed like a really cool thing to do, and I think I would enjoy it if I could just get the courage to jump. Someone would probably have to push me out of the plane. I'm not exactly great with heights.

You're in my thoughts.
You're not only strong you're very wise. People have different ideas of what strength is. For me strength is being in a situation and being open to learning from it whether it be challenging or not. Strength (to me) is being able to open yourself to others and share the rawest moments. Even if in those moments you are unsure of your own emotions. Strength often comes from times that you think you'll never come though, yet also from times that you may not want to. It's the deciding factor of knowing what it is you need to do, for you. I can not relate to "terminal" but I do have plenty of experience with "permanent" one thing my life has taught me is whatever you decide where ever you direct your energy that is where it will go. The most difficult part is deciding. There are people out there who have fought and there are people who have decided to live it out the best they can. We're all here for you to help you through this most difficult decision, because you are strong enough to share. So thank you for trusting all of us enough and know we care!
P.s I whole heartedly agree with Ian about your wife.
Good luck, everithing went well with my grandmother, I will ask for our heavenly father to help you
Hi John. I have never spoke to you before but I am touched by your story, so you are already having an impact on complete strangers. I would love to use stronger words to describe how I feel about cancer. I think your wife's reaction is completely normal. She's not angry at you, it's the cancer. She is obviously is going through as equally hard time as you. That's what cancer does, it's ruthless, it doesn't just attack the body or the person, it also attacks our loved ones. I can only imagine what you are going through and as you said, it's only you who can make the final decision on what you want to do but I would say fight it. You beat it once, you can beat this bas....... again. You obviously have a great family who don't want to lose their husband and father. It's time you thought of yourself and not others. They will be there every step of the way with you. It will be hell and back. It's easy for me to sit here, thousands of miles away, telling you what to do but if you do nothing, the cancer wins. Don't give it an easy win.....
Whatever you decide to do, remember you have a big family in the AA behind you all the way. You obviously have some good friends here who you can talk to, when you need a shoulder to cry on. It time you let others help you...
IMO positive thinking is just as powerful as any treatment you receive, so whatever you decide to do, I wish you the very best of luck and my thought and prayers are with both you and your family.... Ian

Yes you have a giant AA family here I hope our Heavenly Father can heal you.. Will pray for you!
Soory to hear the news, buddy. I'll be thinking about you. But hey, time to live it up and do some things you never thought you would do. We're all on borrowed time. Stay strong and have fun with your family!
Just seen this as i been awhile.... Really sorry to hear about your current health, hang in there and i will be praying for you over the next few weeks.

went to the oncologist on weds and they sent me to another oncologist for another opinion ,
found out the cancer has progressed it is past the 4 stage scale ,
This Dr. suggested another type of treatment that would help kill off the cancer,
it involves lasers he said in reality it's non operable but the lasers can slow it's progress, he also told me if he can get it back into a safe level he has a treatment ,
said it was a non evasive type of kemo that wouldn't effect my immune system, since mine is already neg -3 ,
he told me it can give me a very small chance but it can still kill me
if it's not monitored very close ,
This just gave me a little hope , even if it's only a small window of 3/4 years it's better than nothing ,
they are trying to schedule me for surgery to implant a pick line in my chest early next week
and a week later they can start treatment
I am still at peace with what ever happens and accept it
I'm just glad they are trying there best to help me as best they can
things are moving a bit fast for me but it needs to
I don't think any of this registered in my head yet my brain is just overwhelmed

went to the oncologist on weds and they sent me to another oncologist for another opinion ,
found out the cancer has progressed it is past the 4 stage scale ,
This Dr. suggested another type of treatment that would help kill off the cancer,
it involves lasers he said in reality it's non operable but the lasers can slow it's progress, he also told me if he can get it back into a safe level he has a treatment ,
said it was a non evasive type of kemo that wouldn't effect my immune system, since mine is already neg -3 ,
he told me it can give me a very small chance but it can still kill me
if it's not monitored very close ,
This just gave me a little hope , even if it's only a small window of 3/4 years it's better than nothing ,
they are trying to schedule me for surgery to implant a pick line in my chest early next week
and a week later they can start treatment
I am still at peace with what ever happens and accept it
I'm just glad they are trying there best to help me as best they can
things are moving a bit fast for me but it needs to
I don't think any of this registered in my head yet my brain is just overwhelmed
At least there is some glimmer of hope. If those doctors are trying there best, you need to go with it. If there's a chance, you have to grab it with both hands. The whole AA family is behind you. This will be the fight of your life but stay positive and remember ALL of us are praying and willing you on. Beat this b*%$^%d....(y)(y)(y)
That's great GREAT news brother. Your way a big guy, a strong guy, a beast!! It's gonna take more then this to bring you down!! Enjoy your weekend brother and and TAKE THAT JEEP OUT LOL!!


went to the oncologist on weds and they sent me to another oncologist for another opinion ,
found out the cancer has progressed it is past the 4 stage scale ,
This Dr. suggested another type of treatment that would help kill off the cancer,
it involves lasers he said in reality it's non operable but the lasers can slow it's progress, he also told me if he can get it back into a safe level he has a treatment ,
said it was a non evasive type of kemo that wouldn't effect my immune system, since mine is already neg -3 ,
he told me it can give me a very small chance but it can still kill me
if it's not monitored very close ,
This just gave me a little hope , even if it's only a small window of 3/4 years it's better than nothing ,
they are trying to schedule me for surgery to implant a pick line in my chest early next week
and a week later they can start treatment
I am still at peace with what ever happens and accept it
I'm just glad they are trying there best to help me as best they can
things are moving a bit fast for me but it needs to
I don't think any of this registered in my head yet my brain is just overwhelmed

You can make it punch cancer in the face !
I just want to thank everyone for the support you don't know how much it helps!
I may sound strong but actually I'm a wreck
I'm good at covering up my feelings when I'm in deep depression

been trying to find a local reefer to help out when I'm down
my biggest problem is I wont trust just anyone with my reef tanks,

my wife is willing to take care of the fresh water tanks but wont step foot near my salt tanks , she knows how I am if something happens

I'm going to try to do the up keep until I no longer have the strength
the one service I called wants $50 just to drive to the house than $150 a hr
to do maintenance once a week , I think that's insane but guess that's the price you pay living up in the mountains ,

I still have a few others I need to call but that will need to wait till mon
hope I find someone with a fair price it's not like they need to supply anything

I am a professional pet sitter, I charge at least $20 per visit up to 60 minutes; $45 for a partial day and $65 for an overnight stay, but mileage out of my area is extra. I think aquarium service is priced much higher to cater to businesses rather than pet owners and home systems built by experienced types.

You might look at petsitter.com and ask a regular (non aquarium) pet sitter their rates and simply set them to it with a page or two of instructions. Supervise the first few visits, voila! I take any type of routine from pet owners and replicate it when they are away. Pet sitters are used to very complicated requests, meal plans, you name it!

I would send a sitter over, but my business is on the west coast ;)

I hope you meet a great helper! You can do it and we all believe you are strong!!
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