hair algae

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 10, 2012

if you see in this picture i do have hair algae growing a fair bit :(

my nitrates are 0 and my phosphates are 0.36

how do i still have it or how to get rid of it ?
Do a 15% water change, pick off all the hair algae with your hands as possible, add chemi-pure elite and invest in some turbo snails. Then just be patient and continue to monitor phosphate levels.
iv got 1 big turbo snail and possibly 2 other turbo snails i think he had babeys lol and im using phosephate removers . see how thing go
Becareful with chemical medicines, they're the things which ended my discus tank.
Aqua786 said:
Becareful with chemical medicines, they're the things which ended my discus tank.

Your nitrate reads 0 probably because the hairalgae has binded them just pull out what you can with fingers each day do water changes itll get under control might take lil while but itll happen no chemicals
Common phosphate removers such as phosban and chemi-pure elite arent much of a chemical. I can only speak for chemipure elite though because that's what I've always used and the results have been fantastic.
i have the red sea max 250 so what ever they have hahah
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