Half way through?

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That would be from 7 to 10 drops of ammonia every 24 hours.
Just 20 minutes ago I did a 50% water change. It brought nitrite down to 1 ppm. Now it's 3:20 pm. I will add 10 drops ammonia and check tomorrow at same time.
My colors at 4:10 pm:


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Thanks! My 24-hour period is up at 3:20 this afternoon, so I'll measure and report close to that time.
Ok, my results are ammonia 0, nitrite .25, nitrate 0.


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Actually, nitrate is 5 ppm, got darker a few minutes later.
Ooh that's great, you are soo close!! Dose it back up a bit and see what happens tomorrow.

I think you're supposed to test right at the 5 minute mark to be accurate. The longer they stay in the tubes the darker they can get.
I dosed back up to 1 ppm for ammonia. I waited 30 minutes and tested again. Now I have ammonia at 1, nitrite at 0.50, and nitrate at 5 ppm, respectively. My 24 hour test tomorrow will be about 5:30 pm. I will report then. Thank you!
Here is my report. I realize it is not 5:30 pm, but it is close enough -- don't think measurements will change that much within that time period. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0.25, nitrate 5 ppm, respectively. I will add 15 drops of ammonia and measure again tomorrow.


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Well, I am getting brown diatoms now, so things must be moving along!
Here are my colors this late afternoon. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, and nitrate is 0. Do I still need to do a final water change? I plan on adding some fish tomorrow. It's been 35 days. Some brown and green algae is starring to form.


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JimmyA said:
Here are my colors this late afternoon. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, and nitrate is 0. Do I still need to do a final water change? I plan on adding some fish tomorrow. It's been 35 days. Some brown and green algae is starring to form.

If you dosed it up yesterday and those are your levels today...you're cycled! Congratulations! As long as the nitrAte is under 20 and the temp is right...go add some fish :)
Thanks Eco, you have been a big help to me and so have many other people; to those I give thanks. I'll be sticking around in case I have other problems and also if I am able to help others.
JimmyA said:
Thanks Eco, you have been a big help to me and so have many other people; to those I give thanks. I'll be sticking around in case I have other problems and also if I am able to help others.

Remember that pictures are required once you are a member of the fishless cycle club :). Good job Jimmy, I'm happy for you.
Oh Jimmy! Let me get you some quick info on drip acclimating. It's not normally considered necessary, but after all the work you've done...let's not take any chances on your new fish. Also, try to pick them up from a local store instead of a big chain store if you can help it.
Here ya go. It's super easy and it's the best way to introduce your fish into their new home :)

- Float bag (the one the fish are in, lol) for ~15 mins to match temperature (probably unnecessary)

- Place fish and bag water in a clean pitcher (also inside bucket to catch overflow)

- Use a piece of air line tubing and start a siphon from your tank into the pitcher (just suck on the end), then tie a couple knots in the tube limiting water flow so there's a slow but steady drip, drip, drip

- Go watch TV for a while

- Let the pitcher fill, dump out half the water than repeat

- More TV :)

- Once the pitcher fills the second time, I net the fish (pitcher comes in handy) and place him in the tank. Don't let the store water get into your tank!
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