hand tame pleco

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 22, 2011
Hi how can I handtame my royal pleco I want to be able to feed him out of my hand in the water, do they bite? His teeth look pretty Sharp lol I've seen videos on YouTube of people feeding plecos out of their hand, I want mine to be tame like it

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I actually hand tamed a pleco and a dojo loach when I was a kid too bad I didn't have internet then.....had a video camera but I don't think we ever filmed the fish tank! It was a 125 gal fw. Community tank w bala sharks zebra danios angels and corycats that was my learning exp from my dad...he was quite the aquarium enthusiast... xoxo rip dad aka Big Jim <3
Can they bite if I try to hand feed it?

Sent from my Desire HD using Aquarium
I don't know about the royal pleco biting. I never had one but I used to just hold a pinch of flakes under water until I got some interest.....then some times I would stick it on the wall of the tank near the pleco....after a while he associated my fingers with food....the danios learned quick and inadvertently so did our Dojo Loach! The loach was so tame he would lay in your hand while you were cleaning the tank or arranging plants etc! The pleco would "beg" for food by swimming on his back at feeding time....lol
And to think some people don't think fish are good pets!! Lol
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