Hanging Lighting problem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 27, 2014
I am in the process of building an enclosure for my Chinese Water Dragon and at the bottom i have a 55 gallon aquarium which i plan to add fish and plants to. My problem is that i want live plants in the tank but I cannot decide how to light the aquarium. The top needs to be open so my lizard can go swimming, so is there a way i can suspend a light above the aquarium and if so what kind of light and how high can it hang. Ideally it would hang well over the aquarium so my lizard cannot jump on it and burn himself.
Yes, there are a lot of options for hanging kits for LEDs or T5HO fixtures. Here is my LED fixture on my 57 gal reef:

I am in the process of building an enclosure for my Chinese Water Dragon and at the bottom i have a 55 gallon aquarium which i plan to add fish and plants to. My problem is that i want live plants in the tank but I cannot decide how to light the aquarium. The top needs to be open so my lizard can go swimming, so is there a way i can suspend a light above the aquarium and if so what kind of light and how high can it hang. Ideally it would hang well over the aquarium so my lizard cannot jump on it and burn himself.

What's your budget and light level you're trying to achieve?

Yes, there are a lot of options for hanging kits for LEDs or T5HO fixtures. Here is my LED fixture on my 57 gal reef:


Wow! My jaw just dropped... Is that a 60P drilled and converted to reef?
What's your budget and light level you're trying to achieve?

Wow! My jaw just dropped... Is that a 60P drilled and converted to reef?

My budget is pretty low maybe 100 dollars tops. I don't need that much light I just want to have amazon swords and java ferns. What's the highest I could Hang the lights over the tank?
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