HARRY POTTER and the half blood prince

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Ok, i just got this book lastnight and ive finished it.
Has anyone else finished it and are you as upset about the ending as I am?!?!?!?

At first i was mad at JK rowling for writing such an ending, but then i realized that the story continues, and that in real life, bad things do happen. But im still upset about it. I know its silly, its just a book, but i have been keeping track of this story since the first book came out. And well, i just really didn't like the way it ended, it didn't leave me feeling optimistic or hopeful, like the other books, I still want to read the next one of course, but only because i hope something good will happen in it to reconcile the bad.

Ok, im done now, anybody else have any comments? without giving away the end of the story of course. I've finished it but i don't want to ruin it for anyone else, so if you've finished it and want to PM a comment to me, i won't mind.
Nope. I am reading the series to my daughter as bedtimes stories, but we are just starting book 4, so we have a few weeks to go to get to the newest tome. I saw it at Wal-Mart for $19CDN (about $15.50US) today and nearly picked it up, though...I will probably buy sometime this week.
You had to know though that something horrible would happen in this book though. I call it the "Empire Stikes Back" effect, in any ongoing series there has to be a dark ending to one of the chapters. There can't be good without evil. I personally though it was a very good read. I have about a million questions from the series that I really hope will be answered in the last book. I was actually hoping for more answers in this book than I got. I liked it though, I thought the storyline was distinctly different from the other books, and was a good change of pace.

I do understand though. I get very intimately involved in the characters in the story though, so I know what you are saying. In Book 5, the Dolores Umbridge character made me feel things I didn't think possible towards a person, whether real or fictional.

Also Toirtis, how old is your Daughter? You may want to pre read the ending of Book 4. As of the end of book 4 the series takes a much darker twist and you may want to screen it depending on age. My 10 year old cousin(at the time) had a couple nightmares after reading the end of 4. She's obviously older now and thus her parents have no problem letting her read the other two, but just wanted to give you a heads up.
I just finished the book last night as well. I have to disagree with youy AshleyNicole because I thought that the ending was exactly what was needed. Relationships between certain people have been built up and there are unanswered questions, but I felt that it finished clean. They, (Harry, Ron and Hermione) are regrouping and getting ready to face the next challenges that lie ahead.

The book was well worth it, but I do hope that Rowling will tie everything together with the 7th book, (if it is indeed the last one). Overall I was satisfied and am looking forward to the next one.
I finished it last night as well. I was in shock as to who did the "deed" but not surprised. I still don't think we know the full reason why he was trusted and regarded as highly as we were lead on to believe.

I did enjoy all of the back story of where Voldermort came from, almost makes him human- well not really, but...
I'm hoping that the 7th will give us more information on Harry's parents.
poppab02 said:
Also Toirtis, how old is your Daughter? You may want to pre read the ending of Book 4. As of the end of book 4 the series takes a much darker twist and you may want to screen it depending on age. My 10 year old cousin(at the time) had a couple nightmares after reading the end of 4. She's obviously older now and thus her parents have no problem letting her read the other two, but just wanted to give you a heads up.

Thanks. She is 7½, but she lives on dark, spooky stuff (she adores Tim Burton's work, for instance), and should be just dandy.
Well, i am past the denial and well on my way to acceptance.. lol. At first i was absolutely shocked about the ending events, but now i suppose that is the effect that J.K. Rowling wanted. And you know, i don't think ive ever read a book that made me feel like that, I too have become pretty 'involved' in the characters. I actually cried at the end, and i don't even cry during sad movies! ANd i like that fact of KNOWING where Voldemort came from, why he is who he is, and what he did to become what he is.
exactly. i finished the book last night (being interupted by work slowed me down) but i was expecting part of the ending with rumors and such but still cried. I feel so involved reading the books so much that i couldn't help it. i need that 7th book. and the backround was great. i have to say though. rowling did a good job throwing you off at points. like who did the "deed" was not as surprising as who the hbp was..
I agree, the ending shocked me, but I had a feeling someone important was going to die. JK did a good job in leaving me thinking on what the mission was Malfoy had to do, what horcruxes were, and who the HBP was. The 6th book is by far the best of the series IMO. However, I was dissapointed that not as many questions had been answered, but then again the last book will probably not be as exciting if too much information was given away in the 6th book.
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