Aquarium Advice Newbie
Yup, I too have succumbed to the lure of saltwater fish keeping and now have a 90 gallon with a 36 gallon sump/refugium for the last 5 months but only the last month have I had fish in it. It's been an incredible learning experience for myself and family, more me than them (I get to clean etc., wouldn't trust the kids, I know what their room's look like).
I don't know what the bigger thrill was, the very first amphipod we found or a small brittle star we noticed 2 months into the cycling process. To date we have identified 20 or so different species of animals brought in on the live rocks. I still have a million questions and I am pretty sure I wore out almost everyone at the local LFS.
I don't know what the bigger thrill was, the very first amphipod we found or a small brittle star we noticed 2 months into the cycling process. To date we have identified 20 or so different species of animals brought in on the live rocks. I still have a million questions and I am pretty sure I wore out almost everyone at the local LFS.