
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2004
Just saying a quick hi! Been keeping fish since I was a kid, my gf and I have five tanks in our apartment now, 4 freshwater and one salt, we're from phoenix az. This site is a great wealth of information.

50 Gallon:
Two Bala Sharks
Four Clown Loaches
Seven Kulih Loaches
Three Black Skirt Tetras
Two White Skirt Tetras
Two Drawf Gourami's
One Common Pleco
One Clown Pleco
One Britlenose Pleco

30 Gallon:
One Brown Spotted Puffer - "Petey"
One Baby Convict - "Not Lunch Yet"

20 Gallon - Empty ATM

10 Gallon
One Beta
Three Daino's
One Black Mystery Snail
One Baby Neo. Multi

20 Gallon - SW
Two Domino Damsels
One Yello Tailed Damsel
Always nice to see another MTS victim :mrgreen:

Welcome to the community!
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