Help stocking a 20 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 17, 2012
I recently ordered the 20 gallon marineland tank kit 24x12x16 with heater, filter, moon light and I also have an air stone dragon. I get it Friday and will get it up and running (cycling for a few weeks) asap. I need some advice on sand, and stocking. I heard PFS is the best, but it only comes in white. I heard this can stress the fish? Im not to sure on how true this is. Anyways I was wondering if this community sounds good.

5 khuli loaches
5 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
1 adf
1 dwarf gourmi

Not to sure if this is to much, that website calculator said less than 100%. This will be my first aquarium bigger than 5 gallons. I purchased an API master kit, and have prime. Anything else you think I need? Thank you for your help!
Krayzie said:
I recently ordered the 20 gallon marineland tank kit 24x12x16 with heater, filter, moon light and I also have an air stone dragon. I get it Friday and will get it up and running (cycling for a few weeks) asap. I need some advice on sand, and stocking. I heard PFS is the best, but it only comes in white. I heard this can stress the fish? Im not to sure on how true this is. Anyways I was wondering if this community sounds good.

5 khuli loaches
5 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
1 adf
1 dwarf gourmi

Not to sure if this is to much, that website calculator said less than 100%. This will be my first aquarium bigger than 5 gallons. I purchased an API master kit, and have prime. Anything else you think I need? Thank you for your help!

Welcome to AA!
Stock list sounds good. :) About pool filter sand being stressful, sounds like a lot of hogwash lol. I have it in 5 tanks and it's the best substrate IMO.
How are you planning on cycling?
Krayzie said:
I recently ordered the 20 gallon marineland tank kit 24x12x16 with heater, filter, moon light and I also have an air stone dragon. I get it Friday and will get it up and running (cycling for a few weeks) asap. I need some advice on sand, and stocking. I heard PFS is the best, but it only comes in white. I heard this can stress the fish? Im not to sure on how true this is. Anyways I was wondering if this community sounds good.

5 khuli loaches
5 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
1 adf
1 dwarf gourmi

Not to sure if this is to much, that website calculator said less than 100%. This will be my first aquarium bigger than 5 gallons. I purchased an API master kit, and have prime. Anything else you think I need? Thank you for your help!

I've never had PFS but I have normal play sand which I love! Stocking list seems good make sure the Cory cats have places to hide!
If you want dark sand you can use
Black Diamond Blasting Sand
Tahitian Moon Sand
Flourite Black Sand ( super dusty, but plants like it )

All will grow plants.

My tank with Flourite sand and TMS on top
Oh and your 20g may be a bit tall for an ADF ??
Check the Amphibian Forum here for ADF advice. Sometimes they don't do well competing for food.

They eat off the bottom using smell and would be competing with fish, esp the Kuhli Loaches that are faster.
Coursair said:
What Corys ?? Don't see then on the OPs list ?

Someone mentioned them and they are one of my favorite cats so I was just saying if he decided to go with them....
Welcome to AA!
Stock list sounds good. :) About pool filter sand being stressful, sounds like a lot of hogwash lol. I have it in 5 tanks and it's the best substrate IMO.
How are you planning on cycling?
Fishless. Im still a little confused on hows to do it though
Oh and your 20g may be a bit tall for an ADF ??
Check the Amphibian Forum here for ADF advice. Sometimes they don't do well competing for food.

They eat off the bottom using smell and would be competing with fish, esp the Kuhli Loaches that are faster.
Ok I will. And I will probably feed it with a turkey baster, i heard that works.
Krayzie said:
Fishless. Im still a little confused on hows to do it though

What you do is set up the tank and dose 4ppm of pure bottled ammonia to the tank, then wait. Once the ammonia starts dropping you dose it back up to 4ppm every 24 hours. It will start to get converted to nitrite. The nitrite will spike and then you will start to see nitrate. At this stage you're still dosing up to 4ppm daily. Once 4ppm of ammonia is being converted to nitrate in 24 hours your cycled.
What you do is set up the tank and dose 4ppm of pure bottled ammonia to the tank, then wait. Once the ammonia starts dropping you dose it back up to 4ppm every 24 hours. It will start to get converted to nitrite. The nitrite will spike and then you will start to see nitrate. At this stage you're still dosing up to 4ppm daily. Once 4ppm of ammonia is being converted to nitrate in 24 hours your cycled.
The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling
Can I get that ammonia at wal mart?
Mumma.of.two said:
The OP isn't looking for stock suggestions. Let's keep this on track. Any more random or off topic posts will also be deleted.

I believe the title of the post is "help stocking a 20 gallon tank" not "help cycling a 20 gallon tank" if anyone is off topic it wasn't me, or the member who suggested a pleco.
I believe the title of the post is "help stocking a 20 gallon tank" not "help cycling a 20 gallon tank" if anyone is off topic it wasn't me, or the member who suggested a pleco.

The original post did in fact leave it open to suggestions on cycling since the OP stated the tank was new and asked what else was needed.

"Help stocking a 20 gallon tank
I recently ordered the 20 gallon marineland tank kit 24x12x16 with heater, filter, moon light and I also have an air stone dragon. I get it Friday and will get it up and running (cycling for a few weeks) asap. I need some advice on sand, and stocking. I heard PFS is the best, but it only comes in white. I heard this can stress the fish? Im not to sure on how true this is. Anyways I was wondering if this community sounds good.

5 khuli loaches
5 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
1 adf
1 dwarf gourmi

Not to sure if this is to much, that website calculator said less than 100%. This will be my first aquarium bigger than 5 gallons. I purchased an API master kit, and have prime. Anything else you think I need? Thank you for your help"
Sounds good. But I would go with two adf. They are really social. I have two in my 20g and they are awsome. I hand feed mine. They come to the front of the tank. Can't help with the sand but the stock list looks cool!! Post pics when ur set up!!
I am going to add that I think your stock sounds fine, but I suggest not getting both cardinals and neons, but instead getting 1 of those and another species that swims a bit higher in the tank like harlequin rasboras. The fish you picked will be fine, I am just suggesting you look into species that are a bit more different for contrast, otherwise you may as well get a bigger school of either neons or cards. Or, you can look into golden neons. They are the same species, just a color variant along with the regular neons or cards. :)
Ill look into switching out the cardinals for another fish, and maybe getting 2 frogs. I live in a small town and couldnt find any pfs. I think i want a black sand, and am hearing good stuff about black blasting sand. Does anyone have any experience with it, and where is a good website to order from?

-edit- now i read its sharp, and could hurt my loaches. I guess ill order some pfs, anyone have a good website?
lol disregard that entire post^

Im going out of town on monday, and could find some pfs. I was wondering tho. I get my tank tomorrow. WIll it be ok to start cycling the water, and just add the sand on monday? Or should I just wait?
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