Help stocking a 20 gallon tank

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Krayzie said:
Ill look into switching out the cardinals for another fish, and maybe getting 2 frogs. I live in a small town and couldnt find any pfs. I think i want a black sand, and am hearing good stuff about black blasting sand. Does anyone have any experience with it, and where is a good website to order from?

-edit- now i read its sharp, and could hurt my loaches. I guess ill order some pfs, anyone have a good website?

It won't hurt your loaches. I have Shrimp and Corys on it. But PFS will work also. Look at TMS at Petsmart.
Im going out of town on monday, and could find some pfs. I was wondering tho. I get my tank tomorrow. WIll it be ok to start cycling the water, and just add the sand on monday? Or should I just wait?
You can start cycling. You don't have to wait for the sand. That way, the biofilter will start to form. More BB will also attach to the sand and tank walls, but you can start without the sand. :)
You can start cycling. You don't have to wait for the sand. That way, the biofilter will start to form. More BB will also attach to the sand and tank walls, but you can start without the sand. :)
awesome thank you!
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