help with killifish breeding?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 12, 2014
this is a picture of the type of killifish I own that I found online because i cant get a good picture of mine. I got them to breed by feeding them frozen blood worms and brine shrimp and by putting them into a much smaller container. After they breed i removed the parents and returned them to their community tank and gathered the eggs and put them into a small plastic container so i could monitor their progress. The eggs swelled a little but turned white with fungus after a week. Does any one know how to successfully breed this species of killifish?ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392233772.353641.jpg
Hey man that kinda sucks how not much success with eggs but hey, we dont get it on the first try! From what i heard you should somewhat present a drought for killifish as they have a period of diapause but not as strong once the water has evaporated i suggest spraying the eggs with water to keep them moist i would probably just add your tank water back to the eggs container it would have been better if you had a tank with a small sponge filter barely filled to help circulate the eggs somewhat like an egg tumbler after wards add some peat moss to the water it helps ALOT they enjoy lower ph and somewhat cooler water 21 degrees C works for me well I used to breed golden wonder killies but stopped after no one would buy the fry and i just sold my entire setup
forgot to ask what website did you buy your killies from? Im trying to have a fish business now:thanks:
forgot to ask what website did you buy your killies from? Im trying to have a fish business now:thanks:

Hey there! I actually bought my killifish pair from a breeder. So how exactly would you breed them? I think mine are getting old and I know killifish don't live long and I don't know where else to get them. I can get them to breed but how do you get the eggs to survive for as cheap as possible I'm not looking to make a career out of this just to keep one more generation of killies cause after that it would be inbreeding correct?

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I'm assuming your using a spawning mop as it looks like you have a golden wonder killifish. pick the eggs daily and place them in a small tub in the same tank that the parents are in just float the tub on the top of the water with a little bit of water in it. and your eggs should hatch in about 10 to 14 days. make sure to change the water frequently i do about 30% every other day and with a tub that small its not to much once the fry hatch remove them from the tub once they are free swimming and i like to put them into a separate 5 gallon tank with a sponge filter and you can feed the fry baby brine shrimp or micro worms. then once they start to get some of there color and start to sex ill put them in with the bigger parent fish and let them start to spawn and its the circle of life.
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