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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 9, 2011
Hi everyone, I'm not an adult like most of you, I'm 14 years old and just started my first tank! It's a ten gal tank. Seems kinda small, but I like it! I know what your all thinking..... The tank is completely cycled! Right now I have a neon blue dwarf gourami ( its getting bluer by the day!) and two tiger barbs. I thought the tiger barbs would pick at the gourami, but it was actually the other way around for a couple days. Im starting to ramble, so if you have any advice or info you'd like to share that might be helpful down the road, please do so. :)
I also like Finding Nemo. Hence the signature......
finding nemo is one of the greatest movies ever. duuuuuuuuuuude.
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