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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 17, 2013
I am just curious. I recently added a new decoration (plastic plant) and moved some of the others around a little. Most of my fish seem fine but my 2 make guppies seem to be skimming near the surface. What does that mean?


Here is what I was talking about. Thanks for any insight
I don't think it's anything to worry about- they're probably waiting for something edible to drop in! All they live to do is eat and breed lol
I don't think it's anything to worry about- they're probably waiting for something edible to drop in! All they live to do is eat and breed lol

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I was worried there for a second coz I did keep dipping my hand in the tank as well while I moved things around. I added some stress coat + just in case and things seem to be fine now
Thank you so much for the quick reply. I was worried there for a second coz I did keep dipping my hand in the tank as well while I moved things around. I added some stress coat + just in case and things seem to be fine now

I don't think guppies mind at all when hands are in the tank- it takes me ages vacuuming my 6ft tank and the guppies are either nibbling at my arms or almost getting sucked up as they hang around the siphon waiting for something edible to be stirred up. You should see it when a bristle worm get sucked up! The guppies go into a frenzy trying to grab the worm! They never seem to learn that just because they can see through the plastic doesn't mean they can swim through it! :lol:
I don't think guppies mind at all when hands are in the tank- it takes me ages vacuuming my 6ft tank and the guppies are either nibbling at my arms or almost getting sucked up as they hang around the siphon waiting for something edible to be stirred up. You should see it when a bristle worm get sucked up! The guppies go into a frenzy trying to grab the worm! They never seem to learn that just because they can see through the plastic doesn't mean they can swim through it! :lol:

Lol yeah. They like to nibble on my hand as well. Thanks again for the help. Being new at this sometimes I freak at the slightest irregularity or behavior I haven't seen before.
Lol yeah. They like to nibble on my hand as well. Thanks again for the help. Being new at this sometimes I freak at the slightest irregularity or behavior I haven't seen before.

As we all do! I think it's always better to err on the side of caution when little lives are at stake :)
I have never kept shrimp before (and may never again!) so I have no idea of what 'normal' is for them. They SEEM healthy enough, but still they keep dying :cry:
As we all do! I think it's always better to err on the side of caution when little lives are at stake :)
I have never kept shrimp before (and may never again!) so I have no idea of what 'normal' is for them. They SEEM healthy enough, but still they keep dying :cry:

Yeah I completely understand. I originally had 8 ghost shrimp in there. I think I'm down to 3 :-(

Which leads me to my next question of you don't mind. Should I leave the dead shrimp in there for the fish to nibble on?
Yeah I completely understand. I originally had 8 ghost shrimp in there. I think I'm down to 3 :-(

Which leads me to my next question of you don't mind. Should I leave the dead shrimp in there for the fish to nibble on?

I have been removing mine just because I don't know what they are dying from. I suppose if they aren't dying from sickness you could leave it for the fish to eat. But I would skip their regular feed and take it out after a couple of hours if they haven't eaten it, just to avoid spoiling your water quality.
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