Hole in Gill of Molly

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she has a big hole on one side of her head, and another one forming on the other side. What is wrong? What do I do? I took her out of my tank as well as her friend, another female silver molly, and they are currently in a 1 gallon jar, looking VERY unhappy with their new living arrangements. And what do I do with the tank I just took them out of, that is filled with assorted fish? Help!!
You never mentioned your water current water parameters of the display tank, but that looks like a bactiera infection and would start with a medication like Fungus Clear by Jungle or Paraguard by Seachem and I would treat the entire tank personally since trying to keep them in a 1g tank is causing more stress.
yesterday I was getting a little bit of ammonia, so I did a 50% water change. I haven't checked, since. I'm using the master test kit. I have strips, too, but I don't use them. But testing the waster with the master test kit is time consuming. Can I use the strips once in awhile?
This is a 10G QT tank that is a bit overstocked, because my 29G sprung a leak. I am now waiting for my new 55 to cycle, and I think it's almost ready. Should I still start moving fish after it is cycling? Or should I try to treat this disease first? And keep them in the too small tank? I don't want to move a disease into my beautiful new tank, do I? And I was wanting to use API Melafix to treat. It's and antibacterial
I would leave them in the 10g for now and skip the Melafix, if you want you could also skip the meds for a 4-7 days and perform 50-60% daily water changes and monitor the holes for any improvment...if you see any issues with the holes increasing in size or any signs of healing then I would certainly treat the entire tank with a medication other than Melafix/Pimafix.
and we noticed the spot day before yesterday, and it has increased in size and now there is another hole forming on the other side.
Like I said my best advice is to try daily water changes or if it's advancing that quickly treat with meds, there is no in-between here.
ok. Thank you. I'll do something. I don't have any of those other meds you are talking about. I have aquarium salt. I have melafix and I have pimafix. thats it. and I won't be able to get to a fish store before Saturday...:(
I would start with daily water changes then add the Pima/Melafix in the mean time, some people swear by them but IME with some of the nastier disease's they're a waste of money.
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