How do I get green algae?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2003
I've just added lights to my open-top 70g AC tank. Now, a stringy brown algae is starting to grow on the rocks and plants. The fish keep it from getting too long, but it's giving a brown tinge to my rocks. I'd like to get green algae to grow on my rocks, to give my fish something to nibble on and because it would look more natural. Is there any way to select for green algae over what I have now?


I have 3wpg on my tank with the lights on 12 hrs a day, and there is a TON of green algae. Need to get it cycled so I can put some otos in there
Lots of light always gives me green alge. lots of light...but don't let your tank get hot.
The more Light the better for green brown needs less light try to find a plant at your lfs that has some alge on it then put it in your tank and turn the light on a little longer then normal
Try adding some excessive seachem flourish.
You can place the rock in a windosill in a bucket or out side.
Up the ferts and you should get all kinds of crazy stuff.
I notice when my lighting has about lived its bulb life i get the brown/red algea

Also try 65-67 k bulbs if you have these available for your unit
time...I only have about .5 watts per gallon, after about 6 months I started getting green algea. Be careful not to take too drastic measures, or your next post very well may be "how do I get rid of ALL this green algea!" :wink:
I'll second that motion Greg (crying out loud) !!! I finally got rid of that GW. Oh brother. It was a pain. Got to keep the macros in balance for sure. I would say be patient as the green algae should show up if your basic water parameters are decent. Are you adding potassium and iron, nitrates? Dosing any phosphates? Be careful with the phosphates or you will be asking how do I get rid of the green water. You'll have to purchase or rent a diatom filter and some Nitrasorb to get rid of GW. And it was the third or fourth try before success for me re: GW. The Evil :twisted: GW, at that.
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