How do you know when a guppy is done giving birth?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2011
Antelope. CA
I have 3 female guppies and all are very pregnant. All 3 are boxy looking. I noticed 1 fry this morning and 9 hours later I have 5 total fry. All 3 guppies still look boxy so I cannot tell who gave birth to be able to tell who is done & can be removed from my birthing tank. All 3 still have the black dot too. All 3 are eating too. None of them are yelling for an epidural or screaming at the males at how much they hate them either. HAA HAA HAA HAA Couldn't help it. :)

I have a lot of ground cover for the fry to hide in, but when you have 3 momma's around I am worried. Plus one of the little boogers has a death wish because it swims around the top near the females as if it is schooling already. The other 4 stay completely still on plant leaves.

I just can't tell who can be put back into the regular tank & who still hasn't given birth????? Any ideas.........
they can give birth over a period of days and not all at once.........

i would just leave them all in the aquarium and that way only the hardiest of the babies will survive by hiding and scourging for food;) that means u will have hardier future stock;)

i would stuff the tank with as many floating plants ossible if u want all of them to survive.........and DON"T overfeed, just maybe 4 feedings a day as fry have smaller stomachs than adult fish so they need smaller mroe frequent feedings.
Thank you... I bought a fake plant grid that covers about a 5x5 area that is perfect on the bottom for the fry. Plus there are several real plants & a hide a cave. Survival of the fittest I guess!!! hee hee
The fry are sooooo stinkin cute it's hard to realize that they can be a meal if they don't watch it.
ur welcome;)

but yes, survival of the fittest
survivor on dsicovery channel, except guppy version;)

and well, ur fish will get some fun;) food.
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