How many cories?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2013
North carolina
My 20 long is pretty empty during the day, i have 5 neons, a GBR pair and 3 kuhli loaches, the kuhlis come out alot in the morning and at night but only 3-4 times during the day, i have had bad luck with cories early on but am ready to try them once again. I was looking at juli corys. Could i get 5-6 of them to kind give the tank some schooling bottom feeders?
Nitrates- less than 5
Ph- 7.8

Corys are great, sand or extremely smooth gravel as a substrate is a must imo or their whiskers become damaged. You could do 5, sterbai corys are super kool too.
Corys are great, sand or extremely smooth gravel as a substrate is a must imo or their whiskers become damaged. You could do 5, sterbia corys are super kool too.

My substrate is PFS, i used to have a school of pandas but they were all about 4 inches and super old, they died. I will look into sterbia, will they eat algea wafers?
Pandas at 4inchs!? You sure they werent another species? Sterbai certainly will eat algea wafers.
Yes, they were monsters! I looked at sterbai, they are nice. I think ill go with julis though thanks. could i add any fish after 5 of them? Or am i fully stocked
Yes you can use Julii's. Cory cats eat algae wafers but they also need protein in their diet as the are omnivores.
Corys love the blood worms and can be very entertaining to watch them eat. I usually thaw them in some tank water so they break up and actually make them to the bottom...if I float the cube my swimmers get them all.
Corys love the blood worms and can be very entertaining to watch them eat. I usually thaw them in some tank water so they break up and actually make them to the bottom...if I float the cube my swimmers get them all.

Yeah thats what i do aswell, hopeing to get the cories some time next week
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