How Much to Feed?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 6, 2010
Florida, U.S.A
In my home aquarium, I have a Vermiculated (Yellow-Marbled) Synodontis (4 in.), Royal Farlowella (Panama Whip) (4 in.), Clown Loach (3 in.), African Knifefish (4.5 in.), Ropefish (9 in.), and school of about 10 feeders. Every other day I throw in a bloodworm cube, half a brine shrimp cube, an algae pellet and a little flake food for the feeders. Monthly, I add in about 40 ghost shrimp (which normally disappear within a week or two). I was wondering if this is a suitable amount or whether I should feed less/more. Thanks for your help!

-Hitokiri ヒトキリ
That's enough food. Don't worry. How large is the tank? Those fish will all get quite large.
Wow, I would upgrade tomorrow if you could. The time has already come and past for that many fish, of that size, in a 29gal tank. Especially a 9" fish.
+1 Those fish need a larger aquarium or you will have problems. They will outgrow the tank and it will be painful for them. A 9" fish shouldnt be in that size tank to begin with.

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