How often should I change my Filter Media?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 21, 2003
San Francisco, CA
I have a tropical ten gallon tank. I am almost finished with my cycle. I have 2 Honey Gouramis and 3 Neon Tetras. I have a JEBO little hang on the back filter. Can anyone give me any advice on how often I should change the filter media? I am also curious on how often people would recommend I change the water after it cycles? (I will be using a siphon)

Thanks! :D
You need to change the water probably once a week. Of course it all depends on how many fish you end up with in there. Buy a test kit and check for ammonia and nitrites. If these appear before one week then you knwo you need to change more often. Probably about 20% or a couple of gallons per change will do nicely.
Don't change the filter media, just rinse it out with the old tank water you remove and then put it back in. This is where the good bacteria mostly live. The only reason to remove it is when you are medicating as the charcoal will adsorb the medication. Otherwise you don't have to change it unless it starts to fall apart.
Depends on the media. I change filter media if its the floss type prob once a month or so. Mine gets ratty pretty quickly tho. Then again, I use Bio-Wheels and a large portion of my bacterial colonies live there; I could change the filter every time and it wouldn't affect my cycle (although I don't LOL can't see a reason to keep buying filter media EVERY water change). If you have a sponge type media, just rinsing it out in tank water should do you fine.

As tkos said, your test results should guide your water changes. I change my tank's water generally once a week and my levels sit at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5-10 nitrates. Once a tank is cycled you *shouldn't* have problems with ammonia or nitrites. That being said, it is a dynamic system and things are changing all the time; is why its important to test regularly. Also, you want nitrates to be lower then 40 ppm (0-10ppm is best); high levels of nitrates are another signal a water change is needed.
I change 20% of the water in both of my tanks once a week. In my 30 gal, I have two filter media--a carbon insert and a sponge. One week I change the carbon, the next week I change the sponge. In my 10 gal, I have a minifilter that I change every two weeks.


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