How old is your oldest fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 13, 2003
Missouri City, TX USA
I'm obviously just getting started, but I was wondering what is the oldest fish that some of you have in your tanks. I know age will vary by species but just curious as to what I have to look forward to if I can mantain a good healthy tank.
I have a male betta thats around a year and a half, or two years old I reckon.

Havn't had him that long, but thats about how old he is.
I have an Oscar that is 16 years old and a Jack Dempsey that is a little less. I bought them within a few months of each other and they've survived numerous moves. The Red Devil I also bought with them just died about six months ago.

I have several saltwater fish over ten years old.
Oh awesome Beerman!

Most of my fish are fairly new; my oldest is my first angelfish, who has got to be 2 yrs old by now. However, I have a feeling some of my fish are going to outlive me LOL I've clown loaches who live a coupla decades and a plec who lives even longer!
I have 1 8-9 year old comet, another is about 7.
My 10 year old died recently along with my 2 year old.
9-10 year old upside-down catfish. He survived 6 weeks with no food once. (My wife forgot instructions when I traveled to London for business).
I have a 7 year old clown loach (just under 10 inches long, nose to tail). My oldest fish(es) recently passed, a veiltail female angel was 9 years old; her daughter (who passed a month later) was 7.5 years old. It wasn't until their passing that I realized just how attached a person becomes towards their fish. :D
I have a 1.5 year olf flying fox and silver tip tetras in my parents tank.
My oldest fish is a fancytail goldfish that is approx. 6+ years old.
I had a white comet (planter) goldfish that I won at a party as a small child. I had that fish for 15 years (and then some). Amazing! :D
Because you know I didn't take care of the fish like I probally should of (being a child and all) :wink:
My oldest fish is like 3 months old or something like that...I just got back into the hobby after a long hiatus...I owned a Betta for 2 years once, though.
Old fish

Until recently (I had to give them away because they were eating all the plants), I had five huge silver dollars. Four of them were 5 years old, and one of them was over 7 years old.
i have a black moore goldfish who is coming up on a year this febuary. He was the first fish i have ever had, and he has never died.
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