How to Have a Happy 10gal

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2011
North Carolina
What's up Everybody!

I find myself with a new 10gal tank from Santa and I can't decide what to do. I am experienced and have a 55 gal currently with gourami, rams, black neons, red flames, and emerald cory cats and I've kept aquariums for years. Here are a couple pics of the 10 as it cycles so I have some time for research, currently thinkg a dwarf flame gourami and some panda corries, but I'm interested in any opinions or ideas anyone may have. :thanks:


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JoeBob said:
What's up Everybody!

I find myself with a new 10gal tank from Santa and I can't decide what to do. I am experienced and have a 55 gal currently with gourami, rams, black neons, red flames, and emerald cory cats and I've kept aquariums for years. Here are a couple pics of the 10 as it cycles so I have some time for research, currently thinkg a dwarf flame gourami and some panda corries, but I'm interested in any opinions or ideas anyone may have. :thanks:

I think the dg will work, but the only cories I'd suggest for a ten are little Pygmy cories.
I think the dg will work, but the only cories I'd suggest for a ten are little Pygmy cories.

Thanks George9, yeah did some more research and it looks like the gourami might want it warmer than the corries anyway.
JoeBob said:
Thanks George9, yeah did some more research and it looks like the gourami might want it warmer than the corries anyway.

They can both be in about 78 degree water it's just that a school of panda cories with a gorami is too much for a 10.

I'd keep the gourami in mind and find a different schooling fish or Pygmy cories
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