How to make a mushroom stay put??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2009
Lakewood, CO
Hey guys,

So I've been trying to this mushroom to grab a hold of a rock so it can anchor itself down and won't get blown away by the current. I have some epoxy but it takes a little pressure to make things stick and I don't want to hurt the little guy. I've seen aquarium super glue- is that a good idea? Or is there some other method?
IC Gel seems to be the glue of choice these days. Some LFSs carry it, or you can get it online at various vendors or on ebay.
Use glue/gel as neilan suggested or toothpick to pierce the foot into a crevice (I've used pins this way too) or create a mesh veil around the mushroom.
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