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SW 20 & Over Club
Mar 15, 2004
Northeast PA
Great site here. Lots of information and very interesting posts.
I've been keeping a 50 gal reef tank for about 15 yrs now. To make a long story short, about 2 yrs ago on a HOT summer day, I had a meltdown :-( Not sure if it was due to the fans on my metal halide failing or my heater sticking on, but one day I looked at the tank and it was so cloudy you can barely see thru it. The water temp was over 90 degrees and virtually every coral I had in the tank "melted". I lost a huge leather coral with was constantly dropping off "babies", lost all my green star polyps which started out on a small rock about the size of a baseball and ended up spreading over 1/4 of the tank, lost about 90% of the mushroom coral..same deal with them, started with a small rock with maybe 10 on it and they spread like wildfire, lost a beautiful hammer coral. Basically I lost everything along with my interest in maintaining the tank. I did keep the tank going with the few shrooms I had left and a few damsels, but did next to no maintainance on it.
Well I finally got the urge..with my daughters insistence, and now have the tank back up and looking good. All I have in it now is the surviving shrooms, a few damsels (1 is over 5 yrs old) and I ordered a algea crew from to clear up the hair algea that grew. Luckily it wasn't real bad and the snails and crabs cleaned it up in about a week.
I'm looking forward to restocking my corals and getting it to look like it did all those years ago :).
Welcome to the forum, and what a story you have! I am glad you did not abandon the hobby completely, but I can imagine how devastated you must have been.

I think you will find a lot of great info here, and you will be able to help others, as well. :D


I've been keeping a 50 gal reef tank for about 15 yrs now.

And welcome to the SW 10 & Over Club ;) hope ya don't mind...
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