I found eggs in my 55!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 22, 2006
Redding, CT
I was looking at the 55 while on my way to park my ass on the couch for awhile, and noticed a nice sized string of eggs hanging off my large amazon sword!

So I got out the breeder net, broke off the leaf and upon closer inspection the entire underside of the leaf was covered in them!

90% of the fish stock I have in my 55 i have 2+ of each fish, so I'm hoping these eggs got fertilized. There werent any fish guarding the area around it though, so I'm really curious as to what could have deposited them there.

How long does it take to know if the eggs are good or bad?

Pic, of course! Kinda looks like some trippy space picture or something.. who knows! Couldnt get a clear shot of the back of the leaf, but here's what I first saw when I walked over.

Jchillin said:
Indeed, it would be of immense help to identify what your fish stock is. IMO, they are cichlid eggs, probably Angels.

Just so happens I do have two angels in my tank.. along with lots of tetra, cories, rams, etc!

One of these days I really need to go tally up the livestock.

No fungus as of yet, hope they hatch! that'd be really cool.
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