I have an established tank and an unestablished tank and I was wonder if when I do a

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Heather Lynn

Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 4, 2011
water change if I take water from the established tank and add it to the unestablished tank if it would speed up the process to having the unestablished take established. I do water changes once a week and I only have an albino frog in the unestablished tank I feed him very little once a day. My unestablished tank is a 39 gallon fish tank with a 20/40 Aqueon filter with a sponge filter. My pH is at 8.2 and my ammonia is at 1.0 and my nitrite is at 0 ppm. It's been like this since I sat up the tank I went to Preuss Pets and they sold me the sponge filter to speed up the process to have an established tank. I also have very hard well water. The sponge filter has been in the tank for 4 days but still no change. My established tank has a pH of 8.2, Ammonia of 0 ppm, and Nitrate of 0 ppm. The established tank is a 10 gallon with a blue lobster and three feeder goldfish. Any suggestions would be great but I don't want to add anything into my tank, I want it to be naturally done.
I actually already did the water change today and I only took 3 buckets of water from the established tank and but it into the unestablished tank. I also took the bio bag,an ornament, and gravel out of the established tank and put it into the unestablished tank. I'm not sure how long the process takes to become established but it only took my established tank a month to be ammonia free and it's been about that long with the unestablished tank. I really want fish and would love to speed up this process naturally.
I had some moss plants and I removed them and my Ph level went down a little when I did that also. The frog I only have had for a week and he hasn't made the problem worse in any way.
I had some moss plants and I removed them and my Ph level went down a little when I did that also. The frog I only have had for a week and he hasn't made the problem worse in any way.

Adding the seasoned water from your cured tank to the uncycled tank will help with nutrients and other beneficial matter, but it won't add much bacteria. The sponge, decco and plants will help a lot though. I'd suggest over feeding the frog as any uneaten food will spoil and help feed the cycle. You're also looking at the difference of cycling a 10g vs. a 39g, smaller tanks cycle faster.
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