I have mystery snail eggs!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 17, 2014
I have been trying for some mystery/gold inca snail babies. Is there anything special I should know about keeping baby snails in a community tank?
They could be eaten by some fish. Other than that no special care required. They will take care of them self.
The snail eggs like to be in humid environment, but not wet. I used a little baby fish, Fry food, Hikari makes one which is great, First bites to make sure they had a little extra to eat once in awhile. A little goes a very long way. Like use a toothpick to scoop it up to put in the tank, lol.

And don't clean the glass if you can help it because they will eat biofilm and stuff on there.

It is really fun, at first you see a little speck moving on the glass and then a few, and then there can be hundreds!!!

Mine were in tank with all kinds of mostly peaceful tropical fish and I didn't seem to miss any, there were a lot!

Sometimes the eggs are duds. So don't be too disappointed if nothing happens, chances are it will eventually.
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