I just got a 55 gal dirty aquarium

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Ok. So I took a half a gallon of vinegar to 2 of the sides and scrubbed my tail off. Took the other half of the gallon and poured it in the bottom, sealed it, and am letting it set. Here's the most recent pic. Looks pretty good in the pic. Most of the stuff came off but it still looks scummed up. Got a scrubbing pad and a paint scraping tool. Spent 3 hours on it. Gonna do sone more tonight. ;)


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That looks amazing!!! Isn't it so cool how some vinegar and elbow grease can create something like that? It looks great!
Ok. Day 2 of cleaning done. Filled it with water to see how it looks. Added the filter and turned it on. I think it looks great. It still needs some touch up stuff on the outside. And the hood and light fixture needs cleaning on day 3. After this I get to tackle the iron stand. I ended up using steel wool and vinegar to clean it. I was gentle and the steel wool harbored no detergent. It worked like a charm!


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