I need an idea

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
Well the girls got their platys in their tank. My issue is that now that they are out of mine, my tank is well just missing some color. I will be going in to town in the morning to pick the girls up a few more fish and I think I want some for myself. My current stock in the tank is 2 angels 1 GBR, and 6 cardinal tetras. I am at stock now so I would like to keep the bio load on the low side. I know the bio-filter can take more because the tank had the 7 platys and 5 otos in it this morning. I want a fish that will be safe with all of the fish currently in there but with the matching punch of color that the platys gave me.
Here is a picture as it stands right now.
Profile says 36g. You have some room for more, especially with your plants to help keep the water clean. Some cory cats would liven up the bottom of the tank. You COULD try a gourami but it may or may not work. Another school would be fine too rummynose, or harlequin rasboras. Preacox, threadfin, Madagascar, and boesemani are all rainbow species that would work.
If you choose to get a gourami I would advise getting a sparkling gourami.
I like cory cats as well. Could up the school of cardinals, or add more platys. I like platys :)
School of Furcata or threadfin rainbows would look great, as would praecox rainbows. Not sure if I'd do the praecox in a tank less than 36 inches though as they are very, very active. Great looking thank, too!
Consider long finned Serpae tetras. Looking at your plant arrangement, their ruby red color would pop. Get six and they will keep their "nippiness" within themselves. I have six of the regular finned ones and they don't bother my angel which is what I was first worried about. They tried when I first put the angel in but as soon as his new wore of they ignored him. My angel is a tuffy though, he probably put them in there place. I am falling more in love with angelfish. Such personalities. OS.
I would go for some of the rainbows. Threadfin, furcata, praecox and probably Madagascars would work. I personally love the praecox and gel they do fine in my 36. It would be a bit tight for Boesemani, IMO. I also love the suggestion of rummynose tetras. They are some of my favorite smaller fish. I personally sky away from serpae tetras, especially with rainbows, but, as stated, the larger the school, the less likely they are to nip their tankmates.

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I have been really interested in the serpaes. Mainly because I feel like the pop of color I am missing is the orangey red of the platys. I think serpaes would fit the bill. I still have more research to do on them, but I think I might pick them. Depending on how difficult they will be to find in my area. We are having crappy weather today so I guess we will be waiting for another day to make the hour trip into town.
Hi Flitabout,
I saw on TV weather where you guys are freezing your fins off. Almost as cold down here. Stay warm.
I have kept Serpae tetras for longer than I can remember. They are one of the toughest and most dependable of the tetras. Meaning they can take punishment that would do in many other fish. Our local and big box pet stores seem to always stock them down here and they're not very expensive. A varied diet plus frozen treats about twice a week and they will stay a deep ruby red for you. I love how they play and spin bluff and flare their fins at each other.
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