Ick Medicine

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
What is the best ick medicine out there? My bala shark looks like he has ick and his dorsal fin looks a little red as well. Also, when I am done treating for ick, do I have to change 50% of the water to get rid of the medicine in the tank, or will it go away on it's own??
Update: Now both my bala sharks look like they have ick. Being that this is the 4th, I can't get the medicine today, but I would like to know which ones to choose from so I can get it tomorrow.

Can anyone offer any help/suggestions?

I dont know much about fresh water Ick, but for marine fish, copper works the best. I would suggest Cupramine. Do some research on it first, and get a copper test kit, because fish dont like copper very much.
If you have a q-tank you can use malichide (spellin) green but it will stain the sealent in your tank aswell. been there done that.
I always used aquari-sol and it has worked best for me and it can also be used weekly to prevent ick from attacking again. You should do a 25% water change instead of 50%. If you have carbon in your filter it will remove the medicine in no time. By the way, if you do have a carbon in your filter...remove it while medicating the tank.
Ok, so we have the medicine in the tank. We removed the carbon and will follow the directions on the bottle...My only other question is: I have plecos and alae eaters....does this medicine kill the algae? Should I be putting more algae wafers in the tank while I have the medicine in there?
Ack! Double check and make sure your ich medication is safe for scaleless fish (scaleless fish like plecs and loaches absorb too much medication and it can kill them). If it doesn't say, half the dose. You may have to treat for longer, but better that then dead fishies.
Ok, so we didn't see that on the bottle it said to use half a dose on scaleless fish....so we had to take the plecos out and put them in a quarentine tank. Therr they will stay for 48 hours until the 2nd dose (1/2!!!) is required. Thanks Allivymar
for bringing that to my attention!
Whew! Glad you caught that post quickly Imw; would have hated to hear your plec was affected. Hows everyone doing now?
I lost of one my angelfish...not sure if that is from ick or because my kissing gourami attacked him... :(

The balas look like they are improving....my plecos and algae eaters are doing well...

Thanks again!!
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