id please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 6, 2011
Can someone tell me the name of these cichlids


I think they r both Africans maybe zebras the blue one kinda looks like a kenyi
Can you post some additional pics of these fish?

What does the first fish look like in person, I'm not sure if the flash is washing out the colors and/or stripes of this fish. There also appears to be yellow-orange pigmentation between the upper portions of the stripes on the first fish. Are those colors present in person or an affect of the flash? Are the stripes always very faint in person as well?
That one is blue with yellow stripes it faint in pic put the color darkens alot. The other one is just plain yellow no stripes. Ill try to get more pics but these two dont like to have pic takin lol
I have the same bleu one you have there and it's female the other on is a yello lab
the second one is prob a kenyi male
the first maybe a cobalt zebra or another kind of zebra
gman42 said:
the second one is prob a kenyi male
the first maybe a cobalt zebra or another kind of zebra

I think ur half right lol. I know she is a female she has held a couple times but no fry yet i got a tumbler for next time.
Kenyi males r yellow right well my yellow one is a female im 100% sure about that
If your yellow Kenyi youre sure is female cause she held before its because sometimes females, especially when holding, will take on the appearance and coloration of the dominant male so other tankmates will leave her be.
CraigMac said:
If your yellow Kenyi youre sure is female cause she held before its because sometimes females, especially when holding, will take on the appearance and coloration of the dominant male so other tankmates will leave her be.

She has always been the same color since i bought her
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