Identify my cories please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 30, 2011
Hi my two corys just bred. They have bred before but this time im making in effort to care for them. My question is what kind of corys are they. This is what they look like


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fisharecool said:
Hi my two corys just bred. They have bred before but this time im making in effort to care for them. My question is what kind of corys are they. This is what they look like

Top one is an albino

Looks like a bronze cory (corydoras aeneus). Most albino cories in the trade are the same species (corydoras aeneus), but there are some (far less common) that are corydoras paleatus and corydoras sterbai.
That's what I thought, too. It's an albino something, it's not just an albino. :D
Identify my cats

Hi my two corys just bred. They have bred before but this time im making in effort to care for them. My question is what kind of corys are they. This is what they look like

What you have there is a male Albino Aneas cat and a female Aneas cat. They are both the same species just different color variations. Congratulations on the spawn :)
Start hatching out some brine shrimp about 2 or 3 days after the eggs have hatched.
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