I'm in trouble - Tang tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 2, 2005
Bristol, Connecticut
In my 40 gallon Tang tank I have 3 pairs of Coudopunks and 8 Juli Ornatus. There are no other agressive fish to challenge these fish. They are spawning out of control caring for multiple broads at the same time. I must have hundreds of fry & juvi's. I am almost done setting up a 75 for the adults, I can use the 40 for all the babies to grow out but I'm sure the 75 will be loaded with fry within a couple weeks. Any suggestions on how to control this baby explosion. I have Coudopunks and Ornatus juvi's that are ready to be sold if anyone is interested. It's just to many fish!!
Some of the Tanganyikan syno species (petricola, multipunctatus, etc) can sometimes put a dent in fry numbers. Calvus are also pretty good fry predators.
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