Aquarium Advice Addict
Well last weekend I had a phone call from a buddy at my job wanting to know if I can take in a Green Mandarin Goby. I told him I could not take it because I had no Refugium set up yet but I was in the process of creating one. He said if I would not take him he would have to just feed it to his cat or flush down the drain. Me being soft about it and did not want a fish like that to go to waste. I took it on to save his life. I don't know if I did the right thing by takng it in if it's going to dye anyway in my tank, but I was told he was eating frozen brine Shrimp and Mysis shrimp along with Copepods. He has been eating here and there but I know it's main diet are Copepods so since I did not have a Fuge ready or any thing I had to think of something drastic. I went to Home Depot pick up a sheet of Arcylic and cut a 6x7x20 inch piece of Plexi and just form a corner of my Tank as a Temporary Fuge for now... Just until I get the actual Fuge going... Here is what I did up until know... Let me know if you guys have any more suggestions on what I should do.... My two piece os Plexi glue together.
2nd shot
Just a FYI I did not want to get another fish right now for my Tank and did not want to even get a Mandarin Goby becasue I know the Difficulty level it is to care for one... I just took him on and thought maybe instead of wasting a Flush down the toliet or even a Kitty snack it would be better off dieing in my hands than going thru a horrible dead... Just thought I save a Life...
... But I don't know if I did the Right thing....

2nd shot

Just a FYI I did not want to get another fish right now for my Tank and did not want to even get a Mandarin Goby becasue I know the Difficulty level it is to care for one... I just took him on and thought maybe instead of wasting a Flush down the toliet or even a Kitty snack it would be better off dieing in my hands than going thru a horrible dead... Just thought I save a Life...