Input on a trigger

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 24, 2003
Is there any type of trigger that can be kept in a 50 gal I am planning on an upgrade in a year to two. I only plan to keep a trigger a couple clowns and perhaps 1other fish, some zoo's and thats about it
I would think a that a Humu Picasso Triggerfish , Bursa Trigger, or a Niger Trigger would be ok for a while in a 50. Most places I have seen recommend a minimum of a 75 gallon tank for triggers. Putting triggers with clowns could lead to a problem. I looked at a few compatability charts and they say they can be put together with caution.
I have a niger trigger in a 55, will be adding a humahuma most likely. They dont grow really fast and by the time I want another tank, the triggers will be a good reason to get one :)

Right now, 4 sw and 2 fw are plenty.
thanks for the input you get alot of conflicting opinions on this subject. I think I am going to go with a small niger trigger and see how it goes thanks again
I have both a Niger and Picasso in 2 seperate tanks, both are housed with a clown or two. So far no problem. I think the triggers will nip at the zoos though.
I would go with a bluejaw triggerfish. Small in max size, not aggressive at all. and beautiful coloration.
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