Is my aquarium different?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 16, 2003
College Station, TX
The clown in my 65g is madly in love with my powerhead, and has been from the momment I introduced it to the tank. I have a domino damsel that I have since added that immediately took to the long tentacled anenome that I got for my perc. Is that common or are my fish wierd?

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The clown in my 65g is madly in love with my powerhead,

Some of the new sleeker powerheads are very sexy ;)

I have a domino damsel that I have since added that immediately took to the long tentacled anenome that I got for my perc.

Clownfish are members of the damsel family and many damsels, dascyllus sp particulary, are anemonefish and are commonly found in association with anemones.
my guess is that he not in love with it but more that the domino wont let him go anywhere else !! those fish are one of the most aggressive imo :)
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