is my puffer just clumsy and im paranoid?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2004
hey guys,
well my little green spotted puffer never ceases to amaze me with some new thing of his every day. about 2 days ago i noticed on the top of his head where his normally very dark black spot is, was white. now, its not ick, because its only that one little spot, and he's very well colored and healthy as can be. and it has healed a little bit, its not so big and not so white. in his 30gal tank (brackish) there was this "natural look-alike rock shelf" that is made of plastic, and i think he may have hit his head on that, because it can be slightly sharp i noticed. (after seeing his white spot, i thought that may be the cause and removed it- with him pouting the whole while) so has anyone see their puffer, or fish of any sort, have some sort of abbrasion like this? im pretty sure hes just a clumsy, chunky puffer and there is no real threat. oh, btw, my parameter are perfect. :)
thanx guys!
Minor abrasions on fish are usually white, nothing to worry about really. Just make sure it's healing ok and not getting infected with bacteria or fungus.
have you tried putting neosporin on it? ive heard it cures just about anything! :D

ok for anyone who thinks im serious... im not. :p
thanx guys! i just wanted to check and make sure my diagnosis of a minor abrasion wasnt wrong. my gsp is doing well and the whitish spot is actually shrinking and turning back to his normal colorations. slowly, but surely!

p.s. i like neosporin... but i dont think my puffer will appreciate that ;) hes quite the little spitfire
i dont know about gsp's but when dwarf puffers (male) are stressed their colors darken and they look like females. but thats probally not it.

and hydro cortizone/cortizone 10 also heals stuff.

but the poison ivy/vinegar works like a charm (lol just made that up and id be laughing so hard if someone really did that 8P
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