Is Rust colored spots on rocks and plant leafs an algae?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 22, 2003
Washington State,USA
Here are the conditions. I am about 2/3 through the nitrogen cycle. Nitrites are somewhere between over 2ppm to 4ppm. I'm waiting for the nitrates to start clearing it up. This is a moderate/ heavily planted 26 gallon with 6.5 to 6.8 ph. PC is a 65watt with 50% 10000k and 50% Actinic (spelling?) KH is around 3 to 4 degrees. I am going to try to find a source of less acidic H2O as my well water is in the high fives of ph right now with this drought here in the West. I just introduced CO2 but am adding O2 at night too keep the PH from plummeting. I also have put in an oyster shell to add a little CC to help with the PH and KH, though haven't noticed any improvement yet. I also moved all the fish except some tough Danios back to my other tank until the cycle is done.

Lots of new plant growth, but old leaves are dying probably from shock in a new tank. Have flourite and have supplemented a little Seachem excell and potasium. Haven't done a h20 change yet because I want to get this cycle over ASAP. What is this rust colored algae? Its on the rocks too and the water is kinda cloudy with that tint abit. Should I think of a partial H20 change now, or tough it out. HELP! Betowess
What is this rust colored algae? Its on the rocks too and the water is kinda cloudy with that tint abit. Should I think of a partial H20 change now, or tough it out. HELP! Betowess

Chill buddy, its cool! It is brown diatom algae, just about every planted tank goes through it in the first month or two. The slightly cloudy water is pretty normal also. Both of these problems should go away on their own in 1-3 weeks.

I am going to try to find a source of less acidic H2O as my well water is in the high fives of ph right now with this drought here in the West.

High fives, holy schmoly! Check around, see if your lfs sells RO water, or even see what type of bottled water you can get elsewhere. That ph is scary low! I wouldn't do a water change until you can get some better water.
Thanks Mucho CC! Now I can chill and I'm feeling alot better about it. :D Also going to find another source of more basic H2o till our rains start. Usually my well is closer to 7ph during the winter & spring wet rainy season here. :fadein: Betowess

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