is this a lettuce nudibranch?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 23, 2004
San Jose, CA
Is this a lettuce nudibranch? I think that it came with my liverock. Its only about 1/2" long and maybe about 1/8-1/4" thick. Also its in my refugium ... it should be ok in there right? I've read that they don't live long in aquariums ... is that true?
That's as good as it gets. Its only about 1/2" and its in my refuge which is below tripod level. Its basically a small green slug -- are there small green slugs other than the lettuce nudibranch?

Thanks... Luke.
lettuce nudibranch? [new pic!]

Ok got another pic ... though I think that this may be another one [he's about an inch]. I saw an even smaller one in there today. This one looks more yellow for some reason.

Any ideas?
It's definately a nudi, but it doesn't look like the nudi I used to have in my tank

the lettuce nudi, which isnt really a nudi but always refered to as a nudi, varries in size of its folds and color by a larger degree. They can be green, yellow, brown, dark green, with tints of pink mixed into their main color. Looks like yours does have the two ridges that lettuce slugs have, but in general an official ID will be tough.
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