Is this fish TB?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2017
My female Mickey mouse just recovered from heavy ich. Now, it seems like she has got a curved spine, and a red bump on her back..what should I do?!
I don't know water parameters as the LPS don't have water testing kit nor they test the water at the shop.
She isn't pooping white, stringy poop but sometimes she starts shaking and looking at, she even ignored the food :(


A curved spine is a symptom of fish TB but the curvature usually doesn't occur overnight. It's more likely to be some sort of intestinal bacteria infection. I suggest that you take the infected fish out of the tank asap. Conduct a 25% WC with a very thorough gravel vac. I wouldn't add anymore fish for a couple of weeks just to make sure none of the other tankmates are affected. Hope this helps.
Red patches and sudden inactivity are just a couple of symptoms of a bacterial infection. Your fish was likely weakened by the ick and the ick meds leaving it vulnerable to other illnesses. Considering the fish is bent and scarred up, probably best to remove it.
As above - fits a common secondary bacterial infection (however these still wipe out schools of fish so no good news). if I put her in hospital tank (problem is I don't have snails are living in the extra 2 gallon bowl as I added salt in aquarium) what should I do after that?

What symptoms should I look after for TB btw?
Medicated feed with antibiotics.

Fish TB can be fast acting but in general should be slow wasting with deformities arising.
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