journy to sw nano reef

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xxwolfpackof1xx said:
ive tried a few not bright enough and i dont even own my own flashlight go figure

Did you turn off auto adjust brightness on your phone and turn brightness all the way up? Just checking.
leftyfish said:
Did you turn off auto adjust brightness on your phone and turn brightness all the way up? Just checking.

yup this new one works great nothing in tank is out thought you think the light from my tv is keeping them in hiding
leftyfish said:
Probably, lol. Set your alarm for 2 am then look at it. Or put some food in there then watch?

2am no thank you i still have to be up for 6 because of school mabye when schools over. mabye when im redy to sleep il turn tv off wait 15min drop a pellet or two and wait like a predator stalking prey
Yay for 24g :D. It really isn't half bad. I'm still stocking mine, going to try some blastos after my zoos cover up their areas. 72 stock watts per gallon is plenty, and at 10000k it's more supportive of corals and less of algae.
so ive been noticing some small.particles in the water i want to pick up some poly-fil ive read pure and mr limpit have had luck with the stuff from Walmart is it worth getting a bag? and will anything weird happen sence this is salt water?
I'm using a poly fil filter floss in my cube now. I also use it for my FW tanks too. Great cheap stuff if you ask me.
I bought the stuff at petco, it was like $3 for a bag. You won't believe how much is stuffed in the bag, i have barely tapped mine and I use it all the time. A little goes a long long way.
Hmm not sure what youre talking about then...You can also go to a crafts store and get some too in a big bag. It's dirt cheap, just make sure it has nothing added to it like flame retardants or anything else.
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