journy to sw nano reef

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ok its been at a stand still for way to long my rock has this green growth on it. algae? the cerths and hermits love it also this brown growth emerged with a little green. also think coraline is starting to spread here are the pics
nice it's below the trim line and bugs me i go ocd about water level so what do you think of the pics? is the coraline spreading and whats that funky brown stuff
Brown is probably algae not sure from the pictures but could be some coralline growing too. :)

How long til you get a fish?
not sure cash flow is at a stand stiill no ones responding to my cl add to sell my old phone and all i have is $5 i can do some odd chores around the house but I'm not sure what my lfs has and if anyone will take me im still not sure how i want to stock either
verizon env3 heres not the place to talk bout it ive been going OT to much and im iin fear of being banned pm me if youd like more info. also cant wait to see pics of your tank
It's just coraline and algae. How long do you have the lights on and off?
lights on from 3pm-11pm that green though its not bugin me i like the color but i want to know what it is i also see lots of specs of purple on that rock so the coraline is def spreading
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