koi in aquariums

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 1, 2008
I have three koi in a 90 gallon tank I use a filstar xp2, xp4, and a rena smartfilter 55. So far the water is crystal clear and all is well. I was wondering what i should be on the look out for. So many people tell me that i cannot keep koi inside a tank. Any comments?
Quite possibly they were reffering to the size koi get. They can easily grow 2 to 4 inches a year and commonly reach between 24 and 36 inches in length.

Full grown they won't fit in that tank, but you have a ways to go. Think about the fish trying to turn around when full grown.
the size part i got covered, my friend has a pondand when they growtolargs that will be there new home
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